Monday, September 29, 2014

Group 3 Bergen Presentation

Group 3 Bergen, Presentation on Hanse cities(Thomas, Tabitha, Ryan, Nate, Jaffar)


Founded in 12th Century AD
Trade was the backbone of Hanseatic League
most common item of trade was Salt, crucial for many cities who had huge fish industries

Trust and Truth

Contracts were done by handshake and word of mouth.
Written contracts were not as necessary because there was general trust shared by league members
If problems arose the league would meet with city representatives to resolve the issues at hand.

Historical Markers

The start of the Hansa was traced back to the rebuilding of northern German town, Lubeck in 1159 by Henry Lion, Duke of Saxony and Bavaria.
1265- All German towns, with the Law of Lubeck, had agreed on common legislation for the defense of merchants and their goods.
1270- Lubeck-Hamburg association aquired trading privileges in Flanders and England United.
1280- The confederation of German Merchants trading in the west, was closely closely joined to the association trading in the Baltic. 
By the early 13th century Germans had a strong build on long distant trade in the Baltic.


Each city governed itself like a independent city, each had its own legal system, standing army, treasury, court and seal
However it was not a city-state nor a group of city-states. Only very few cities in the Hanseatic League enjoyed independence that could compare to an imperial city
Socially every city has many similarities; what they traded, who they traded with, their cities, and their social standings. The few differences are mainly to do with cultural influences. Mainly language. 
The main language spoken throughout the Hanseatic cities was German, however languages such as estonian and Latvian were popular as well.    
Trade Routes

Bergen was not only the capital of Norway, but also the center of trade for Western Norway.
Bryggens was the harbor in Bergen used for trade.  
The ships they used for transport, carried cod from Norway to the European countries.
Catholics used the fish for when they fasted.

Describe the ships, cities and social make up of Hanse Cities.


Usually 20-30m long by 5-8 m wide with a crew of only 5-10 men
built similar to Viking ships, however were only merchant ships
Flat bottoms which were fitted for sailing in the shallow seas, mainly sailed along the coast and unable to sail against the wind
Ships shipped every sort of good, but main exports and imports were salt, herring, grains, timber, and amber

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Deutsche Hansa

Hansa was a trading alliance between several European cities running strong in the 13th-17th centuries.  Hamburg and Luebeck were the first cities to create a merchant association in the 12th century.  Luebeck had fish and transportation, but Hamburg had the salt to preserve it.  Their idea gave other cities something to follow and thus becoming the Hanseatic League.  Next thing you know Cologne, Danzig, and other Baltic port cities were involved, totaling over 60 cities.     Luebeck was lucky though, not only were they an imperial city (answering to the emperor alone), but they were also the central point in the Baltic trading. 

The cargo being salt, herring, grain, timber, honey, etc. were not stars by any means, but they were a steady stream of income and the Hansa had a monopoly on most of it. Because of their cargo and quantity, they designed a new ship that rivaled the old Viking ships, carrying 2-10 times more lasts (each last is about 2 metric ton).

The expanding cargo loads weren’t the only thing the Hansa had to worry about.  Pirates were very common and so was an upset Denmark king.  He wanted profits from the fishing in his territory and so he started some scuffles to get it.  After several fights and a few decades, the Germans took back control.  However, this started the decline of the Hansa.  People kept their normal jobs, herring moved locations, and the English started creating better ships.  Although the Hansa continued for a few more centries, their power was lost by the end of the 15th century. 
The Hanseatic League. (2014, September 17). Retrieved from bellatlantic:

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Hamburg, Germany
Port of Hamburg
Historical Places in Hamburg:

Port of Hamburg is one of the largest port in Germany, also called the 'Gateway to the World'. It was founded on 1189. The Fish Market is a famous market since 1703. Reeperbahn is a street that was the ropewalk between the 17th and 18th centuries. Today is a red district, where some night clubs are located. Hamburg Rathaus inaugurated in 1897 is where the government of Hamburg resides.


Laws in Hamburg:

In Hamburg it is not legal to busk, or play music for money without a permit. If you wish to busk without a permit you would have to move every hour, or so, in order to not get caught.

Population and Major Cities in Hamburg:

Events and holidays in  Hamburg:
German Day of Unity
Germany shares many holidays with the United States such as: Halloween, Christmas, Mothers Day, Fathers Day, Easter, and New Years Eve to name a few. However, not all the states of Germany claim these to be holidays within their borders. There is only one national holiday in all of Germany: Day of German Unity. This holiday is crucial to Germany as a country, because it marks the nations unification into the one single federal Germany, rather than the Federal Republic of Germany and the Democratic Republic of Germany. The unification of Germany took place on October 3rd of 1990. The holiday is celebrated with fireworks, concerts, food, cultural presentations from the various regions of Germany are provided, and generally important leaders, and politicians will give speeches. One of the most powerful events to take place is when images of the Brandenburg gate and the Berlin wall falling to their destruction. Clip of the Brandenburg Gate destruction Video clip documenting the German Day of Unity celebration
Hamburg is famous for hosting the worlds largest harbour party/festival. Hafengeburtstag takes place in May, and lasts for a single weekend. The ships come in on Friday and are bid adieu on Sunday by a tremendous parade.

A special and rare festival happens in Hamburg’s winter: Alstervergnuegen. In order for this gathering to take place there needs to be at least two weeks of freezing conditions. This is needed to ensure that the Alster river is frozen at least 20cm. When the river is frozen Germans celebrate with ice skating, hot wine, and sausages.


Famous People From Hamburg:
Johannes Brahms
Tatjana Patitz
Hamburg has given us several well-known people.  Two of which are Johannes Brahms and Tatjana Patitz. Tatjana was an actress in the movie ‘Rising Sun’ with Sean O’Connery and has been a model for Calvin Klein, Vogue, and Elle.  Brahms is a famous pianist and composer in the romantic era. His most recognized compositions are ‘Lied Wiegenlied’ (Brahms’ Lullaby) and ‘German Requiem’. Brahms Lullaby

Manufacturing and Major Companies in Hamburg:

                                                                    Works Cited
Historical Places:

"Hamburg Rathaus." Wikipedia. Wikipedia. Web. 09 Sept. 2014.

"The Fish Market." Hamburg Tourismus. Hamburg Travel. Web. 08 Sept. 2014.


Population and Major Cities:

Events and Holidays:
"Event Calendar." Web. 08 Sept. 2014.
"Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Exclusive." Google Translate. Word Press. Web. 04 Sept. 2014  
Pascal Wunderlich, Jana. "Zuparken - Surf and Music Festival at the Beach." Baltic Sea Backpacker Tips. Janapascalwunderlich, 6 Nov. 2012. Web. 4 Sept. 2014.
"Reformation Day in Germany." Reformation Day in Germany. Time and Date, 1995. Web. 04 Sept. 2014.

Famous People;
Johannes Brahms. (2014). The website. Retrieved  Sep 05, 2014, from

Tatjana Patitz. (2014). website. Retrieved Sep 05, 2014, from
Mecklenburg - Vorpommern, Germany
Hisorical Places in Mecklenburg - Vorpommern:
University of Rostock
Ludwigslust Palce
The University of Rostock is the oldest University in the world founded in 1419, and according to its website “it is the oldest and the richest University on the Baltic sea region”. The University of Greifswald is one of the oldest Universities in Europe founded in 1456. Schwerin Palace used to be the home of dukes, but today the Mecklenburg­-Vorpommern parliament resides there. The construction took 12 years to complete (1845-1857). Güstrow Castle was the house of the famous sculptor Ernst Barlach, but today is a museum and culture center. It was built in 1589. Ludwigslust Palace started as a hunting lodge, Prince Christian Ludwig lived there and renamed as Ludwiglust that means Ludwig’s joy.
Schwerin Palace


Laws in Mecklenburg - Vorpommern:

In Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and all of Germany a pillow is classified as a “passive” weapon. A “passive” weapon is an object used to protect one’s self from another weapon. For example a Kevlar vest would block you from bullets.


Populations and Major Cities in Mecklenburg - Vorpommern:

 Events and Holidays in Mecklenburg - Vorpommern:
Martin Luther

Not all holidays are celebrated in every state of Germany. Reformation Day is celebrated in only five of the sixteen German states, one being Mecklenburg – Vorpommern. Reformation Day is held
October 31st of every year. The purpose of the holiday is to remember the time in 1517 when Martin Luthers' nailed his reform proposals to the church on their very doors. This event sparked a revolution in the churches and eventually led to the religious reformation in Europe. Reformation Day is celebrated usually by Lutheran or reformed churches; people who are of this faith will attend a special church service in honor of Martin Luther.

Germany is famous for their production of the Volkswagen (VW), and at the Zuparken festival if you’re not a VW fan you are in the wrong place. During the Zuparken festival, which takes place in Mecklenburg – Vorpommern in the city of Kagsdorf, VW’s are everywhere. Zuparken takes place on the beach and everyone brings his or her famous, classic, VW camper. These campers surround and cover the beach during a music and surfing festival. Zuparken video clips documenting the festival
Pangaea Flyer 2014
The Pangaea is another festival that takes place during the summer. Pangea is a gathering for sports, music, and culture fanatics. Sports that are participated in are as follows (but not limited to): stand up paddlen, BMX, skateboarding, skim boarding, long boarding, and kite surfing. Attend concerts with music for all genre favorites. Along with fantastic music, concerts, and sports, is the culture that the festival brings. People are able to attend various workshops varying from playing the ukulele, capturing precious moments with photography, to learning how to breakdance, or graffiti. There are lectures as well as documentaries that are provided to all who wish to attend, to help educate them about German culture. One of the best parts about this festival is that it is kid friendly! There are ball pits, and jungle gyms available to kids in all ages.

Famous People From Mecklenburg - Vorpommern:
Johann Friedrich Brinckmann

Mecklenburg is home to a well-known poet named John (Johann Friedrich Brinckmann) Brinckman.  Brinckmann emigrated to America in 1839, but moved back two and a half years later.  He wrote his famous poem ‘Fastelabendspredigt for Johann de nah Amerika furt will’ about his time in America.


Manufacturing and Major Companies in Mecklenburg - Vorpommern:

Works Cited
Historical Places:
"Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Travel Guide." Eupedia. Eupedia. Web. 06 Sept. 2014.
Greifswald Travel Guide." Eupedia. Eupedia. Web. 06 Sept. 2014.
"Güstrow Travel Guide." Eupedia. Eupedia. Web. 06 Sept. 2014.
"Schwerin Palace." Wikipedia. Wikipedia. Web. 08 Sept. 2014
"Schwerin Travel Guide." Eupedia. Eupedia. Web. 06 Sept. 2014.
"University of Greifswald." Wikipedia. Wikipedia. Web. 06 Sept. 2014.
"Welcome to the sites dealing with the history of University of Rostock." Universität Rostock.
Universität Rostock. Web. 06 Sept. 2014
Population and Major Cities:
Events and Holidays: 
"Event Calendar." Web. 08 Sept. 2014.
"Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Exclusive." Google Translate. Word Press. Web. 04 Sept. 2014.
Pascal Wunderlich, Jana. "Zuparken - Surf and Music Festival at the Beach." Baltic Sea Backpacker
Tips. Janapascalwunderlich, 6 Nov. 2012. Web. 4 Sept. 2014.

"Reformation Day in Germany." Reformation Day in Germany. Time and Date, 1995. Web. 04 Sept. 2014.

Famous People:

John Brinckmann. (2014). The website. Retrieved Sep 05, 2014, from

Manufacturing and Major Companies:
Schleswig - Holstein, Germany
Holsten Gate
Historical Places in Schleswig - Holstein:
Eutin Castle

Holsten Gate is the one of the remaining city gates. It is located in Lübeck. In May 1945 Flensburg was the seat of the last government of Nazi Germany, the so-called Flensburg government led by Grand Admiral Karl Dönitz, which was in power from 1 May (Hitler's death) until its dissolution on 23 May. Kiel is the capital and largest city in Schleswig-Holstein. Almost completely destroyed in WWII. Glücksburg Castle nicknamed the Wasserschloss ('water castle') owing to its position in the middle of a lake, it is one of the most important Renaissance castles in northern Europe. Eutin Castle originally belonged to the Prince-Bishops of Lübeck, and later became the summer residence of the Dukes of Oldenburg. The four-winged medieval castle was expanded and refurbished luxuriously over the last 300 years.

Glucksbburg Castle


Laws in Schleswig - Holstein:

In Schleswig-Holstein they banned the Facebook “like” button claiming that it is against their data protection laws. They are forcing the other German states to also remove it or pay a fine of €50,000 or $72,000. They are saying that when users use the “like” button Facebook creates profiles for them and non-users.

Population and Major Cities in Schleswig - Holstein:

Events and holidays in Schleswig - Holstein:

Pashcal Candle
Easter is not a national holiday in Germany; however, it is a public holiday in some of its states. Schleswig Holstein celebrates Easter, Good Friday, Good Monday, Ascension Day, as well as Pentecost or Whitsuntide. Ascension Day marks the 39th day of Easter, commemorating the ascension of Jesus Christ into heaven. Catholics and Anglicans celebrate Ascension Day by putting the Easter Paschal (candle) out. Ascension Day is also the same day as Fathers Day in Germany. Following Ascension Day is Pentecost, another Easter celebration, and the last for the Easter cycle of that year. Pentecost takes place ten days after ascension. Its purpose is to mark the day when the holy spirit of Jesus Christ came to the disciples. The paschal candle is symbolic for Jesus Christ and light he brought to the world by his presence. A new Paschal candle is lit every year and lasts over all of Easter – sometimes the candle is used again, but only for special occasions such as baptisms or funerals.
Schleswig Holstein Musik Festival
The most famous festival to take place in Schleswig Holstein is the Schleswig Holstein Musik Festival. This is the largest classical music festival, and it is held during the summer. It was founded in 1987 by Leonard Bernstein, and has been held annually ever since. The orchestra that performs in Schleswig Holstein plays all over the globe, in many parts of Europe, North America, South America, and Asia. The orchestra holds auditions every year in the winter in over 35 countries across the globe, with over 1,500 musicians trying out, only a grand total of 120 make up this fine orchestra.

Famous People From Schleswig - Holstein:

Out of all the famous people that come from Germany, less than a handful are born out of the northern three states our group was tasked with.  Even more upsetting is that I couldn’t find any from Schleswig Holstein.  Don’t fear Schleswig, I’m sure there are many amazing people there!

Manufacturing and Major Companies in Schleswig - Holstein:

Works Cited
Historical Places:
"Holstentor." Wikipedia. Wikipedia. Web. 08 Sept. 2014.
"Flensburg." Wikipedia. Wikipedia. Web. 06 Sept. 2014.
"Kiel." Wikipedia. Wikipedia. Web. 08 Sept. 2014.

Population and Major Cities:
Events and Holidays: 
"Paschal Candle." Princeton University. Princeton. Web. 08 Sept. 2014.

"Schleswig-Holstein Musik Festival 11.7.-30.8.2015." About Orchestral Academy. Orchestral     Academy. Web. 04 Sept. 2014.

 Manufacturing and Major Companies:

Monday, September 1, 2014

German Culture Class Expectation

I had gone to Germany many years ago, not knowing nearly as much as I thought I did! I have a passion to go back, and to take my family with, since it's part of our heritage.  In order to do this I need to understand how Germany was, how it is, and all the fun stuff in-between (maybe not all fun). I want to be knowledgeable when I go back so I can better understand and experience all Germany has to offer.